I’ve been following you on YouTube for 8+ years, and one of my favorite things has always been hearing your perspective on social concepts. I find myself also craving slowness and mindfulness with all forms of media. I have somehow managed to never download TikTok (I’m proud of this as I am a GenZ-er), but I feel the brain rot even from Instagram Reels and YouTube shorts. Happy to have you back and excited to see what comes with this new space!

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I've missed you on the internet but also have been witnessing the glimpses of you enjoying your life offline - and you absolutely deserve it. I wonder how sustainable it is for any influencer to be continually feeding the algorithmic machine?! And the over-saturation... I mean, what is there to say anymore? is this even fun anymore? I'm always interested in influencers sharing their honest experience of the industry and the psychological effects of working in this space. So excited to read more of your writing! <3

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Such a good read Kristen!! Loving this for you

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Hey, girl.

I’m glad you’ve found your way back to us, and you are even willing to let us in once again.

Not aiming at an ego boost, or anything, but your wittiness was very much missed, so it’s quite welcomed back!

Good luck with finishing your book, I’m sure you will be proud of it when it’s finally out.

I’m excited about what you’ll be sharing with us, keep protecting your happiness, it’s worth it❣️

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So damn glad you’re on Substack. I feel like you’re gonna love it here

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I also left the influencer sphere about six months ago, after a persistent rumour campaign went on for months arguing that I'm a white supremacist. Not that I'm incidentally racist, that I'm actually an organised white supremacist.

I live in Asia, and don't know any white people.

It doesn't matter if you "encourage the behaviour in your audience" or not... as someone who very insistently shut it down from the start, there just are no protections for you. The issue is that whereas maybe twenty years ago, people like Bob Ross, Steve Irwin, Gordon Ramsay, those people had teams. They had managers. They had agents. You can't just show up at Steve Irwin's house one day and call him a slur. But there aren't any workplace protections for people like us. The social media sphere is just cheap people trying to make money off our work and share none of it with us, the people who actually do the work to make social media as tolerable as it was for so long.

I haven't had a source of income in six months, but fuck it, I'm happier homeless than I was as an influencer. As I look back on it the more I see how toxic it was from the outset and the more I regret having been a part of it at all moreso than having been chased off by internet racists.

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It's like reading my thoughts 🙏

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<3 you are actually one of this creator that I really got invested into, enjoyed all of your youtube video (always enjoyed your reflection on the world). Really happy to "hear" form you, will patiently wait for more :)

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This is so refreshing! Cheers to you for taking time away and re centering. It’s so easy to post just to post, but there is something to be said about being thoughtful about what you put out into the world. Looking forward to this new era of Kris11 🌹

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I remember watching your videos and YouTube-Essays over the years to make me feel like home when I felt lost and like forgetting who I was in presence of so many people who had so different believes to mine. Your words were a reminder to keep thinking with this brain and feeling with our hearts, being loud and not let society mold me into a small, quiet woman. Thank you for being a guide in times of need even if you might not have felt like one☺️💕

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Five days into a social media break and am SO glad I found this. It's like you're saying everything that's going on in my head! I've been a creator since 2018 and I am leaving the life as you have and it's just so refreshing to know I'm not alone.

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Just wanted to say that I'm super proud of you, enriching your life and your self is so much more important than any algorithm or persona. So many people share your sentiments, I know I do.

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I had a similar experience with Instagram reels: watching a reel that broke me out of the spell of the algorithm and had me quickly uninstalling the app. I've been trying to cut back from all social media since then, and it's been challenging. But like you and the other people commenting, I've been craving slower and more meaningful content and I hope that this is the start of a shift towards that in our culture.

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Thank you for this! I've never been a full time content creator, and have barely made any money off content at all but I started my fashion blog at 14, moved into ethical and sustainable fashion, tried to do the YouTube thing and desperately wanted to "make it" whilst also being terrified of the mob and tiny bits of criticism. I never did, but I put a lot of work into my work and I'm proud of that. I've ghosted so many times, usually when I'd post a video and get people calling me the devil. I related to a lot of this post.

Now I make a living doing community engagement work and looking at queer ecology and i am enjoying making silly little videos about the naturual world and posting them just because. Treating it like my blogging days when I just did things cause they were fun and meaningful. It's still disappointing only 10 people see them and part of me waits for the algorithm to "pick them up" but I enjoy them, I learn while I do them, and my friends irl enjoy them too and you know what? I want that to be enough. Hopefully slowing down, one day it will be.

Good to see you back! I look forward to this new era of yours

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Great article, Kristen. I can completely relate to your journey away from endless scrolling. Like you, I reached a point where scrolling through social media wasn't fulfilling anymore. At 26 (I'm 27 now, so pretty recently), I found myself turning to podcasts, reading more books, and even buying a local newspaper. This allowed me to feel more connected to my community, rather than getting lost in an online jungle filled with strangers vying for my fleeting attention.

I, too, craved more substance, more depth, and a stronger sense of connection. TikTok and similar platforms don't offer that feeling because genuine connection requires time, energy, and attention. Quick videos are designed to hook you for a few seconds, but they often leave you feeling tired and empty afterward.

Thanks to you, I've discovered another great platform that nourishes my mind and soul with inspiring thoughts. I'm excited to read more of your work and continue this journey towards meaningful content.

Looking forward to your next pieces.

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The first video I watched of you was the Emirates one. I watched a bunch of videos of old crew at the time since I was applying to be a cabin crew. I have been following you since then and I'm looking forward for your upcoming book!

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